Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fellowship In Christ

Today we learned about fellowship. I must confess that when I hear the word fellowship I think of the coffee time at church or a gathering where something fun or entertaining is happening. Too often this "fellowship time" turns into a gossip session or an all about me session. How is this glorifying our Father in Heaven. This is not the kind of Fellowship that John is talking about in 1 John 1:3 Being in fellowship is much more. It is sharing in the hope of eternal life. Praying for one another, encouraging one another with scripture and working together for the glory of God. The next time you are at a church function weather it be coffee or a youth activity where there is fun to be had. Take some time to talk about the Lord with those fellow believers, offer to pray for or with them, discuss the sermon or part of scripture that you have recently read. Let us turn those fellowship times into true Christian fellowship.

Sing Praises to your King!


Candace said...

Isn't that true! Our church has a cafe, so we often use the term "fellowship" for the time we spend having coffee with one another. I am thankful, that the ladies in our church aren't prone to gossip however.
Thanks for posting! I'm dropping by from the GMG link-up. :) Nice to meet you!

Jenn said...

Hi Melissa,

I found your link at GMG but I think we've met before. My uncle David married my aunt Angela back in 2009 and I think we met at their wedding :) I've joined up with the GMG link-up too so it will be interesting to read your posts throughout the study.