Saturday, August 29, 2009

Picking Choke Cherries

This morning Ansir and I went berry picking again. This time we went to the land of never ending berries.

As you can see Ansir had no problem picking the berries to fill his bucket.

The day was beautiful. When we got there at 9:30 AM it was a cool 51 degrees It did start to warm up as the time went on and the sun came out stronger.

Not all of the berries were ready for picking.

But the trees did hang full of berries that were just right for picking.

They had a beautiful purple color.

Doesn't it almost remind you of what the garden of Eden may have looked like with a never ending supply of fruit.

This is only part of the grove that housed these berries. There are so many trees that we didn't even make a dent in them.

By 10:30 AM our 4 buckets were full of berries and we loaded up and came home! What a wonderful morning.

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